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Smart & Sustainable Cities Should Be Slum Free- Indicator Framework for Assessment and Monitoring

Journal: GRD Journal for Engineering (Vol.001, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 282-289

Keywords : Slum Monitoring; Slum performance Indicators; Slum Free Cities; Shelter; Smart & Sustainable cities;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Unrivalled urban growth is a major issue that the cities of developing nations are facing difficulty to cope with. The mushrooming of slums which perfuse the cities are the visible sign of this failure. UN-Habitat defines slum as “an area having poor structural quality of housing, overcrowding, inadequate access to safe water, inadequate access to sanitation and other infrastructures and insecure residential status”. In Millennium Development Goals, for the assessment of slums, UN-Habitat defined a framework based on the above five characters. ISO 37120 also defines Shelter as one of the key indicators for Sustainable City, where major shelter indictors are focusing on the slum population of a city. For making the cities sustainable and live able, slum free city should be one of the key missions. Presence of slum has been one of the major factors affecting the live ability of any city. For a smart and sustainable city, continuous monitoring of slum is inevitable for the enhancement of living standard and making them more live able. This paper discusses about the role of Indicators be as a tools that would help in the formulation of policies which would lead the cities towards the complete slum eradication. Selection of indicators should be such that the monitoring of that particular parameter will ultimately results into the improvement of quality of life of slum dwellers and finally make the city Slum Free. This paper discusses about the definition of slum and the slum eradication policies and programs by UN-Habitat and Indian Government. Paper also focuses on the framework for slum free cities and development of indicators for continuous monitoring of the same. Citation: Midhun Raj S. N., SVNIT, Surat; Partha Tripathy ,SVNIT,Surat; Dr. K. A. Chauhan ,SVNIT, Surat. "Smart & Sustainable Cities Should Be Slum Free- Indicator Framework for Assessment and Monitoring." Global Research and Development Journal For Engineering : 282 - 289.

Last modified: 2016-12-18 03:57:50