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Journal: The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series "Medicine" (Vol.15, No. 15)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 53-58

Keywords : peptic ulcer; ischemic heart-disease; actovegin;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The mutually aggravating influences of one disease on the clinical course of the other one are observed in the combination of ischemic heart-disease (IHD) and peptic ulcer (PU). The purpose of the present work is to determine the course features of the concomitant PU in the patients with IHD and possibilities of its drug correction. Examination of 114 patients was carried out under conditions of cardiological department of the Kharkov Regional Hospital; during the FGDS, PU (33,3%) was discovered in 38 of the patients with the IHD at the age of 30-65 (47,4±4,9). The course feature of the PU in combination with IHD is change of clinicolaboratory criteria, that shows up in 50% cases with pain syndrome with moderate monotonous intensity; presence of dyspeptic syndrome (in 34% cases) in the form of meteorism and diarrhea (in 27% cases) and constipation (in 42% cases); increase of secretory and acid-forming gastric function (17,1% cases); semination of mucous coat of stomach with helicobacterium infection (in 50% cases). Abnormality of the cardiovascular fitness with PU and IHD was accompanied by tachycardia, moderate increase of blood pressure and ST segment depression, that was predisposing to the rise of aggression factor in the mucous coat of stomach with impaired microcirculation, trophic disturbances and development of the PU (in 33%). The complex therapy in PU with IHD, including the use of clacid, ammoxicillin, pariet in combination with actovegin, results in improving of therapeutic effects and contributes to acceleration of healing of ulcerous defect of the mucous coat of stomach.

Last modified: 2017-01-08 04:12:26