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Techniques for Privacy Preservation

Journal: GRD Journal for Engineering (Vol.2, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 66-70

Keywords : biometric encryption; cancelable biometric; hybrid based; multimode; secure computation;

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A form of biometrics, also called Biometric Encryption or BioCryptics, in which the proves is protected against the misuse of template data by a dishonest verifier. Biometric identification requires that a verifier searches for matches in a data base that contains data about the entire population. This introduces the security and privacy threat that the verifier who steals biometric templates from some (or even all) persons in the data base can perform impersonation attacks. When a private verification system is used on a large scale, the reference data base has to be made available to many different verifiers, who, in general, cannot be trusted. Information stolen from a data base can be misused to construct artificial biometrics to impersonate people. Creation of artificial biometrics is possible even if only part of the template is available. To develop an insight in the security aspects of biometrics, one can distinguish between verification and private verification. In a typical verification situation, access to the reference template allows a malicious verifier to artificially construct measurement data that will pass the verification test, even if the prover has never exposed herself to a biometric measurement after the enrollment. In private verification, the reference data should not leak relevant information to allow the verifier to (effectively) construct valid measurement data. Such protection is common practice for storage of computer passwords. When a computer verifies a password, it does not compare the password typed by the user with a stored reference copy. Instead, the password is processed by a cryptographic one-way function F and the outcome is compared against a locally stored reference string F(y ). So y is only temporarily available on the system hardware, and no stored data allows calculation of y. This prevents attacks from the inside by stealing unencrypted or decrypt able secrets. Biometric verification is defined as the verification of a individual based on the physical, chemical or behavioural attributes of the person. To protect the biometric data containing privacy information, a number of privacy-preserving biometric schemes (PPBSs).These PPBSs can be classified into Biometric encryption based schemes, Cancel able biometric based schemes, Multi-modal and hybrid based schemes, secure computation (SC) based schemes. There is a comparative study of PPBS and select the best one .On the bases of comparisons select the best PPBS is Biometric encryption based schemes. Citation: Aswini Prasad, Mount Zion College of Engineering. "Techniques for Privacy Preservation." Global Research and Development Journal For Engineering 21 2016: 66 - 70.

Last modified: 2017-01-31 02:25:29