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An origin and structure city of logistic streams of Pryazovia

Journal: Herald of the Economic Sciences of Ukraine (Vol.26, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 88-93

Keywords : city-logistic streams; marine ports; export; imported and transit loads; old industrial region; industries of industry; social constituent; transport pow- ers; motorways; settlements; transport-logistic zones;

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Territory of Pryazovia it is an old industrial region with out-of-date technology of production, wear of capital productive assets, large power-hungriness and high unit cost, by social problems, yak result of problems metallurgical, chemical and extractive industries of region. But territory of Pryazovia - it and powerful city logistic streams: cities of Mariupol, Melitopol, Berdiansk, settlements and marine ports. One of directions of decision of problems of Pryazovia, as the depressed territory development of a transport potential of territory, expansion of her transit possibilities and powers, building of logistic distributive centers, is offered to. By separate direction of development city of logistic streams of Pryazovia it is suggested to consider a transport cluster " Pryazovia".

Last modified: 2017-03-30 22:21:35