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Journal: University Journal of Surgery and Surgical Specialities (Vol.3, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 182-186

Keywords : :Mortons neuroma uncommon location forefoot swelling;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Abstract : Morton's neuroma is a benign neuroma of an intermetatarsal plantar nerve, most commonly of the third and fourth intermetatarsal spaces. A 21-yearold male, was diagnosed as having a Mortons neuroma in 1st and 2nd interdigital spaces and it is rare cause of forefoot swelling. Careful history and clinical examination is essential to establish the diagnosis. However, if the clinical picture is doubtful, radiological investigation is recommended. Ultrasound, in the hand of an experienced radiologist, is the modality of choice. MRI was taken for further evaluation. Patients must be counseled preoperatively. The success of neurectomy rarely exceeds 83. When surgery is considered, the dorsal approach is associated with less wound complications than the plantar approach. The neuroma is resected as proximally as possible in order to include plantar digital branches. Surgical treatment of the Mortons neuroma should be considered once the conservative methods have failed. Surgical removal of the neuroma is associated with good patient satisfaction and functional outcome. Persistent or recurrent pain, post-operative infections and swelling along with numbness after excision of the neuroma present a challenging problem for both the surgeon and patient. It is therefore essential to have a detailed pre-operative discussion with the patient about these potential complications Keyword :Mortons neuroma uncommon location forefoot swelling

Last modified: 2017-04-24 15:22:02