Post-Harvest Behavior of Different Lettuce Cultivars and their Cut Form sunder Different Storage Conditions
Journal: International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (Vol.2, No. 3)Publication Date: 2017-05-08
Authors : Supriya S. Patil; Sangram S. Dhumal; Deepak R. Patgaonkar; Vishnu K. Garande; Manpreet Kaur;
Page : 1232-1246
Keywords : Lettuce Cultivars; ZECC; GKL-1; GKL-2; GKL-3.;
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The four leaf type lettuce cultivars i.e. GKL-1, GKL-2, GKL-3 and Chinese Yellow were evaluated for postharvest behavior during storage. The harvested fresh leaves of different lettuce cultivars were processed into two forms i.e. whole leaf form and cut form (5x3 cm) and were stored at two storage conditions i.e. refrigerated storage (5±1°C) and ZECC (9-15°C). Results revealed that whole leaf form of lettuce cultivars stored in refrigerated condition recorded minimum changes in physico-chemical parameters. With the advancement of storage period decrease in per cent moisture, ascorbic acid and polyphenol content was observed in all treatments irrespective of cultivars, forms and storage conditions. The maximum per cent browning and decay was observed in ZECC storage which was minimum in refrigerated storage.The whole leaf form of lettuce cultivar Chinese Yellow recorded shelf life of 15 days when stored at refrigerated storage (5±10C), whereas other cultivars (GKL-1, GKL-2 and GKL-3) recorded shelf life of 12 days. Whole leaf form of Lettuce cultivars stored in ZECC condition recorded shelf life upto 6 days while fresh-cut lettuce recorded shelf life of 3 days in ZECC. Fresh-cut lettuce recorded accelerated physiological loss in weight, moisture loss with increase in browning and decay percentage. Decrease in per cent moisture, ascorbic acid and polyphenol content with increase in physiological loss in weight was recorded in all treatments over the period of storage irrespective of cultivars, forms and storage conditions. The whole leaf form of lettuce cultivar Chinese Yellow recorded minimum changes in physico-chemical parameters and controlled enzymatic browning which maintained sensorial marketable quality and enhanced acceptability of lettuce leaves up to 15 days when stored at refrigerated storage (5±1°C).
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Last modified: 2017-06-12 23:47:37