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Voice Controlled Wheel Chair System

Journal: International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing - IJCSMC (Vol.6, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 411-419

Keywords : Android Application; Wheel chair; physically Challenged; Ultra sonic Sensor; Voice Command; HC-05 Bluetooth Module; DC Motors; Arduino UNO Micro-controller;

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The main objective of VOICE CONTROLLED WHEEL CHAIR SYSTEM project is recommended to control a wheel chair by using speech recognition module. The system is designed to control a wheel chair using the voice of person. The objective of this project is to fascilate the movement of people who are disable or handicapped and elderly people who are not able to move well. The goal of this system will allow certain people to live a life with less dependence on others for their movement as a daily need. Speech recognition technology is a key technology which will provide a new way of human interaction with machine or tools. Therefore the problems that they face can be solved by using speech recognition technology for the movement of wheel chair. This can be realized and optimized with use the smart phone device as an intermediary or interface. In this project interfaces has been designed therefore to develop a program for recognize speech also controls the movement of chair and an application which can handle or manage the graphical commands. This project uses arduino kit Microcontroller circuit and DC motors to create the movement of wheel chair and Ultrasonic Sensors to detect the hurdles in between wheelchair and the way of direction.

Last modified: 2017-10-12 22:24:35