Exploring Consumer Decision-making Processes Regarding the Adoption of Mobile Payments: A Qualitative Study
Journal: Journal of Management and Marketing Review (JMMR) (Vol.2, No. 3)Publication Date: 2017-07-29
Authors : Budi Suprapto; Raden Agoeng Bhimasta;
Page : 108-115
Keywords : Consumers’ Decision-Making; Financial Technology; Innovation-Decision Process; Mobile Payment Adoption; Technology Adoption.;
- Exploring Consumer Decision-making Processes Regarding the Adoption of Mobile Payments: A Qualitative Study
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Objective – The main objective of this study is to gain deeper understanding on the decision-making process of how and why consumers are adopting mobile payment in Indonesia. Methodology/Technique – The study was a qualitative study that included an experiment to the research design. A total of six young people were voluntarily participated in the study. Our finding provides explanation of salient factors that might drive or hinder the adoption in five different stages of innovation-diffusion process. Findings – Overall, our finding indicated that the attractiveness of rewards was an intriguing factor that greatly influences consumer decision whether to use mobile payment or not. Novelty – The uniqueness of our study lies on the use of innovative approaches to address the mobile payment adoption issues from different perspective than prior literatures. Type of Paper: Empirical.
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Last modified: 2017-07-29 11:25:20