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A New Key Management Paradigm for Fast Transmission in Remote Co-operative Groups?

Journal: International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing - IJCSMC (Vol.3, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 197-201

Keywords : Key Management; Manet; Secret Key; Cooperative Groups; Rekey;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In Emerging technology Mobile adhoc network (MANET) is widely used many areas, successfully to achieve fast transmission and communication. But it cannot achieve fast transmission /broadcasting in Remote Area. To overcome this problem new key management paradigm technique is used. In this proposed method the new key management paradigm form some group. In that group select any one of the node / system based on that priority to send the secret key distribution between sender and receiver to improve fast data transmission in remote Area. Each and every data transmission, secret key will be generated and also should be updated. In that remote area hackers should theft the data, so give protection against the unauthorized person. Using key updating method transmit the data fast, reliable and more securable manner. To create Cooperative groups using a new Key management paradigm in Remote Area. The Computation overhead and Communication Cost are independent of group size. Using rekeying strategies efficient way to achieve any number of addition / deletion process will be carried out and as well as strong security against the collision in that remote Area.

Last modified: 2014-02-13 17:09:51