Spectral Conditions for a Graph to Contain Some Subgraphs
Journal: International Journal of Mathematics and Soft Computing (Vol.5, No. 1)Publication Date: 2015.01.01
Authors : Rao Li;
Page : 111-117
Keywords : Graceful labeling; star of a graph; cycle of a graph; path union of a graph;
- Spectral Conditions for a Graph to Contain Some Subgraphs
- Indexing Frequent Subgraphs in Large graph Database using Parallelization
- Using Dense Subgraphs to Optimize Ego-centric Aggregate Queries in Graph Databases
- Spectral Graph Wavelet Theory with Statistical Features for Face Recognition
- Regular subgraphs of linear extension graphs
In this paper we present graceful labelings for $C(tcdot P_{n}times P_{m})$, $(P_{n}times P_{m})^{star}$ and path union of $t$ copies of the grid graph $P_{n}times P_{m}$.
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