Sources of the Investment Providing of Machine-building Enterprises of Ukraine
Journal: Quarterly Scientific Journal "Economic Herald of the Donbas" (Vol.35, No. 1)Publication Date: 2014-03-01
Authors : Mayer I. N.;
Page : 79-86
Keywords : investments; innovations; machine- building industry; sources of investment providing; investments into fixed capital; own funds of enterprises; bank credits; foreign investments;
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In the article analyzed the main sources of investment providing of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine. The most important sources of investment providing machine-building enterprises are the investments into fixed capital and own funds of enterprises. Use of the bank credits is problematic. The cost of the credits remains rather high, it doesn’t allow to use actively this source of investments for financial security on enterprises of mechanical engineering. In the conditions of considerable reduction of volumes of internal investments special value is gained by a problem of attraction of foreign investments. It is noted that the increase in volumes of foreign investments depends on performance of certain state guarantees before the foreign states and investors. The special actuality within the framework of this question is acquired by the problem of further external economic course of Ukraine, directed on eurointegration or entry in ^stoms union with Russia.
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Last modified: 2017-09-01 00:26:04