Power Gating Techniques for Nano-Scale Devices
Journal: GRD Journal for Engineering (Vol.2, No. 9)Publication Date: 2017-08-01
Authors : Srujan Tirupathi; Praveen Nimmagadda;
Page : 19-26
Keywords : CMOS Nanoscale; Subthreshold Leakage; Stacking Transistors; Ground Bounce Noise;
- Power Gating Techniques for Nano-Scale Devices
- Inculcation of Simultaneous Clock Gating and Power Gating in Sequential Design
- Ground Bounce Noise Reduction Using Power Gating Techniques
- To Study and Implement Power Quality Issues and Power Enhancement Techniques Using Custom Power Devices
- Analysis and Implementation of Power Quality Enhancement Techniques Using Custom Power Devices
Power consumption is one of the major issues in CMOS technology. ITRS reports that leakage power may dominate the total power consumption. As technology feature size shrinks, the static power dominates the dynamic power consumption. This is known as the sub-threshold leakage which rises by creating a weak inversion channel between drain and source. Gate oxide thickness reduces as technology decreases which increases the sub-threshold leakage. Along with sub-threshold leakage there is an increase in ground bounce noise. This paper reviews different stacking techniques proposed in other papers. But each of those papers had certain trade-offs. So, a combination of the existing techniques has been implemented to have minimal sub-threshold leakage, ground bounce noise and propagation delay
Citation: Srujan Tirupathi, Punjab Central University; Praveen Nimmagadda ,Punjab Central University. "Power Gating Techniques for Nano-Scale Devices." Global Research and Development Journal For Engineering 29 2017: 19 - 26.
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Last modified: 2017-09-01 00:55:34