Agile Programming and Design Patterns on Web Applications Using J2EE and Ruby on Rails ?A Case Study?
Journal: International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing - IJCSMC (Vol.3, No. 3)Publication Date: 2014-03-30
Authors : Vedavyas J Kumarswamy Y;
Page : 519-529
Keywords : ;
Agile Programming methodologies reduce the risk of longer time consumption for the software applications development. They give much importance to the real-time communication and priority for the satisfaction of stake holders. From the object oriented world the Design patterns have taken a lot of effort for the design reuse. Design patterns provide solutions and also make easy to common design problems by reusing successful designs and architectures. By merging the application and implementation methodology lots of design patterns can be formed for to help the new designers. This paper emphasizes on the Agile methodology, Design patterns for the web applications using J2EE and Ruby on rails with respective case study design pattern example.
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Last modified: 2014-03-23 00:03:25