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Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) (Vol.8, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 35-49

Keywords : Digital Manufacturing & Design; Digital Thread; Intelligent Machining; Digital Manufacturing Security; Cyber Security; Model Based System Engineering;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Technology is immensely changing faster than ever before and it's having a huge impact on Design & Manufacturing. Customers vogue for newer products with better features and are not willing to wait long to get the new product in their hands. What does this mean to Manufacturers? They need to imagine how they take a product from ideation to a useable product in consumer's hand and the product needs to have incredible levels of customization, quality and performance along with competitive price. The fact of a matter is with the improvement made in Information Technology, Material Science, Production Technologies and Supply Chain Strategies for the past 50 years. We are well positioned to challenge the traditional methods the products are designed and manufactured. We are at the antecedent stages of the new era and next Industrial Revolution termed as INDUSTRY 4.0. This article is all about defining a paradigm shift from traditional methods of manufacturing to Digital Manufacturing adopting factors like Digital Thread, Advanced Analysis, Intelligent Machining, Security in Manufacturing, Model based system Engineering etc

Last modified: 2017-12-23 17:22:31