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Active control vibration of circular and rectangular plate with Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) Method

Journal: Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics (Vol.47, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 261-271

Keywords : Vibration; control; rectangular plate; circular plate; quantitative feedback theory;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Natural vibration analysis of plates represents an important issue in engineering applications. In this paper, a new and simplify method for vibration analysis of circular and rectangular plates is presented. The design of an effective robust controller, which consistently attenuates transverse vibration of the plate caused by an external disturbance force, is given. The dynamics of the plate is modeled as a distributed parameter system. We have studied the control vibration of the plate using quantitative feedback theory method by determining the transfer functions between various factors of control system. In this method we have developed the general distributed parameter system method for uncertainty problem for simply supported rectangular plate and clamped circular plate. The quantitative feedback method is one of the robust control methods which is capable to solve problems despite structural and non-structural uncertainty. Quantitative Feedback Theory introduces the new technique to design one-point feedback controllers for distributed parameter systems. The results demonstrate that the control law provided a significant reduction in the plate vibration. The numerical simulation of the designed controller demonstrates that the QFT controller can consistently attenuate the vibration compared to a passive system.

Last modified: 2017-12-26 00:53:23