Study the Academic Anxiety of Secondary School Students in Relation to Gender and Locality
Journal: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT : IJRHAL) (Vol.5, No. 12)Publication Date: 2017-12-27
Authors : B.V.Ramana Rao; Anjali Chaturvedi;
Page : 59-62
Keywords : Academic Anxiety; Class-IX Students; Boys and Girls; Rural and Urban Area;
Academic anxiety is a kind of state anxiety, which relates to the impending danger from the environments of the academic institutions including teacher, certain subjects like Mathematics, English, etc. Academic anxiety is important because, it influence the academic success of the students. The main objectives of the topic are, to find out the significant mean differences of Academic Anxiety among Boys and Girls, Class-IX Students of Secondary School situated in Rural and Urban area. A sample size of 500 class-IX Students were selected and taken up for the study. Academic Anxiety Scale developed by Dr. A. K. Singh and Dr. A. Sen Gupta was used for the study. It has been found that, there is no significant mean difference of Academic anxiety among Boys and Girls Class-IX Students of Secondary School. But significant mean difference is found among class-IX Students of Secondary School situated in Rural and Urban area on their academic anxiety level. As a conclusion it is the responsibilities of the teachers to create a positive classroom learning environment at school and provides remedial class to the students coming from rural area that can contribute to good academic achievement by students. Parents have to consider various factors that influence the academic anxiety among Boys and Girls Class-IX Students of Secondary School
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Last modified: 2017-12-27 19:24:59