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Evaluating Efficiency of Public Health Pro‑ grams (Case of Volga Federal District)

Journal: Journal of the Ural State University of Economics (Vol.69, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 63-77

Keywords : state program; efficiency; target indicator; standardization method; total resulting standardized index;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Improving the efficiency of health care management is a relevant scientific and practical problem. Efficient health care means restored human health, which remains a principal factor behind the state of the main part of the productive forces of society, through reduced incidence, increased labor productiv‑ ity, and extended period of employability. Using the methods of economic and system analysis as well as the methods of mathematical statistics the authors studied current state of the health care in the Volga Federal District. The authors took into account relative importance of the indicators in the system of assessment applying the method of peer ranking (Fishburne point estimates). The proposed methodol‑ ogy to calculate the total resulting standardized index allowed them to evaluate the efficiency of the state program “Development of public health for 2013–2020” in the regions of the Volga federal district, and identify entities in the sector that implemented an effective management strategy. The entities were ranked according to the efficiency of the state policy. The methodology can be applied to assess in score points the total resulting standardized index of health care both in subjects of the Russian Federation and generally in the country

Last modified: 2018-01-15 15:02:23