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Strategic Paradigms of Social and Environmental Balance

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (Vol.5, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 101-111

Keywords : Balance; Institutionalism; Management; Strategy; Paradigms.;

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Complaints about the socio-environmental relationship have become prominent, requiring the academy to deepen its studies on the strategic paradigms of sustainability. The objective of this essay is to study the conceptions of strategic paradigms along the path of social and environmental balance, with the specific objectives of raising the paradigms under social, economic, environmental and institutional aspects (1), analyzing the strategic paradigms that can favorably promote equilibrium (2), and critiquing the discourse of society, aiming at social and environmental balance (3). The elaboration of this work is based on the Institutionalist Theory that prescribes the set of individual behaviors, beliefs and values, processed in accordance with the individuals' perception, and in their interpretative capacity of the reality in which they are inserted. This qualitative research is elaborated through the Method of Content Analysis, and applies procedures of bibliographical survey and documentary treatment of the social discourse that substantiates sustainable paradigms. As a result of the critical analysis, it is verified that the discourses and behaviors of the social agents do not contribute to the social-environmental balance. Then, new proposals of strategic paradigms which are useful for reflective actions and universal meanings are incorporated here. The expectation is to redirect the individual to behavioral reflections, through a learning that is coherent with the confrontation of the planetary emergency. It is also indicated for the spirit of preservation and conservation of the environment, in which the relationship with the social, economic and institutional will bring the desired balance for generations. This study represents those interested in the discussion about the socio-environmental relationship, and those involved in learning about sustainability and orientation towards ethical posture.

Last modified: 2018-03-07 16:43:48