Comparative Study of Performance, Combustion and Exhaust Emissions Analysis of Linseed Oil Based Biodiesel in a Ceramic Coated Diesel Engine
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.4, No. 2)Publication Date: 2014-04-30
Authors : S. Narasimha Kumar;
Page : 71-94
Keywords : Alternate Fuels; Vegetable Oils; Biodiesel; LHR Combustion Chamber; Performance Parameters;
- Comparative Study of Performance, Combustion and Exhaust Emissions Analysis of Linseed Oil Based Biodiesel in a Ceramic Coated Diesel Engine
- Impact of Fixed Injection Timing on Exhaust Emissions with Ceramic Coated Diesel Engine Using Linseed Oil Based Biodiesel.
- Experimental Investigations on Exhaust Emissions Of high Grade Semi Adiabatic Diesel Engine With Linseed Biodiesel with Varied Engine Parameters
- Experimental Investigations on Exhaust Emissions Of high Grade Semi Adiabatic Diesel Engine With Linseed Biodiesel with Varied Engine Parameters
- Experimental Investigations on Exhaust Emissions Of high Grade Semi Adiabatic Diesel Engine With Linseed Biodiesel with Varied Engine Parameters
The uses of biodiesel are increasingly popular because of their low impact on environment. However, it causes combustion problems in conventional diesel engine [CE]. Hence it is proposed to use the biodiesel in low heat rejection (LHR) diesel engines with its significance characteristics of higher operating temperature, maximum heat release, and ability to handle the lower calorific value (CV) fuel etc,. In this work, biodiesel from linseed was used as sole fuel in both versions of the combustion chamber. Engine with LHR combustion chamber was developed with ceramic coating on inside portion of cylinder head by partially stabilized zirconia of 0.5 mm thickness. The experimental investigations were carried out on a four stroke, single cylinder, DI, 3,68 kW at a speed of 1500 rpm, In this investigation, comparative studies on performance parameters was made on CE and engine with LHR combustion chamber with different operating conditions of biodiesel with varied injector opening pressure and injection timing. CE showed compatible performance while LHR combustion chamber showed improved performance with biodiesel operation in comparison with pure diesel operation on CE.
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Last modified: 2014-05-03 15:51:46