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Smart roads, as the basis of resource-saving technologies in transport infrastructure

Journal: Reporter of the Priazovskyi State Technical University. Section: Technical sciences (Vol.35, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 245-252

Keywords : energy saving technologies; road panels; Smart Roads; road marking; alternative energy sources;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Reasoning from the quality of roads, one may draw a conclusion as to the level of the state economic development. Nowadays there appear new generation roads, so-called «Smart Roads». «Smart Roads» must by themselves ensure power supply and road markings depending on traffic conditions; they must glow in the darkness, warn drivers of potentially dangerous road sections, monitor traffic conditions, react to emerging problems, charge electric vehicles in motion, etc. Therefore they must be equipped with a complex of the latest achievements in the fields of science and technology. The article proposes the design of the «Smart Roads» system panels, describes its operation principle and functionality. In the article, road paving panels for «Smart Roads» system have been calculated with an analysis of the amount of generated and consumed electric energy. This system is completely self-sufficient, i.e., it acts as an alternative and decentralized source of energy. In the daytime, solar energy from the solar panels is accumulated in the batteries by the side of the road. Also, energy comes from the piezoelectric elements when a car moves on the panel. When it gets dark, the accumulated energy is expended on the operation of the panel itself and on the LEDs that draw road markings and highlight certain parts of the road (if necessary). Excess electrical energy is supplied to other consumers of electricity. The amount of electricity generated per unit of road surface has been calculated. It is shown that for their own needs road paving panels will consume up to 71,25% of the total energy generated

Last modified: 2018-04-13 20:45:58