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Social and biomedical causes of maternal mortality in Barpeta district of Assam- A community based study

Journal: Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine (Vol.4, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 225-228

Keywords : Maternal Mortality; Surveillance; Social Cause; Post-Partum Hemorrhage; Assam; Accidental Maternal Death;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Introduction: Maternal mortality is an important socio-demographic indicator. India has a high maternal mortality ratio and within India the state of Assam has the highest MMR in the country. Though maternal death is a biomedical event there are many factors leading to it. Social and biomedical factors are one such determinant .The present study attempt to analysis the role of such factors in a maternal death at a district level. Material and Method: The study was done in Barpeta district of Assam. The maternal deaths during this year were identified by active and passive surveillance. In 50% of death social autopsy was conducted at the home of the deceased. Results and Observation: In 64 % of maternal death social factors were found to cause or contribute to death of mother. Unlike previously reported in the state, post-partum hemorrhage is the leading cause of death followed by anemia and eclampsia. All villages in which mother died had ANM/ASHA and the mother sought antenatal care. Thus quality of ANC has to be improved. Conclusion: Social factors are important determinant of maternal death. As social factors will take a long time for improvement service related deficiencies will have to be addressed immediately for further reduction of maternal death.

Last modified: 2018-04-21 18:26:50