Resolving large and Complex Matrix Factorization Problem using Cloud Platform as a Service.
Journal: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT) (Vol.3, No. 4)Publication Date: 2014-04-30
Authors : R.Jeyaseelan; N.Pandeeswari; P.Ganeshkumar;
Page : 2066-2071
Keywords : Cloud computing; matrix factorization; robust cheating resistance; secure outsourcing; Monte carlo verification;
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Cloud computing enables the resource constrained clients lacks economically, to use the huge computational power of cloud resources to outsource their complex computational tasks. However, outsourcing original input to the public cloud causes severe anxiety over security risks. The input/output privacy has to be maintained and also, proof has to be generated to verify the result against the malicious cloud server.The matrix factorization (MF) which requires enormous amount of resources to complete its task; is pretty common in engineering and economics computational task such as text mining and analysis. The proposed scheme is motivated to design a secure, resilient and efficient outsourcing of MF to the public cloud server. The concept behind defending the input matrix is by applying the transposition and permutations on the original matrix to acquire encrypted matrix. Then, the result returned from the cloud is decrypted and proof verification is done to ensure the correctness of cloud server. This paper exhibits that the how securely and efficiently proposed protocol outsources the MF problem onto the cloud and then verifying the result against malicious cloud server. Extensive theoretical and experimental analysis shows that this protocol is extremely efficient and widely applicable for practical use.
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Last modified: 2014-05-10 21:34:57