Application of Tree Length Logging Methods by operational Scale Research in Intensive Silviculture System Area: Case study in PT Sarmiento Parakanca Timber East Kalimantan Province
Journal: Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan (Vol.33, No. 1)Publication Date: 2015-03-30
Authors : Maman Mansyur Idris; Soenarno;
Page : 19-34
Keywords : ;
- Application of Tree Length Logging Methods by operational Scale Research in Intensive Silviculture System Area: Case study in PT Sarmiento Parakanca Timber East Kalimantan Province
- Productivity, Efficiency and Felling Cost of Intensive Silviculture at One Logging Company in East Kalimantan
- Logging Efficiency and Quality of Logging Waste in a TropicalMountainous Forest: Case study in the Licency Natural ForestConcessionary of PT. Roda Mas Timber Kalimantan
- Potency and Characteristics of Logging Waste at PT Kemakmuran Berkah Timber in East Kalimantan
- Performance of Timber Skidding using Tree Length Logging Method in Dryland Natural Forest
Tree length logging method is an alternative way in timber harvesting to improve the efficiency of timber utilization and preservation of forests resources. This paper studies the performance of tree length logging application method in operational scale. Observation was conducted in the forest area of PT Sarmeinto Parakanca Timber in East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, where Intensive Silvicultural Technique (SILIN) was applied. Data were collected through observation and direct measurements in the field including labor productivity and cost of felling and skidding, logging waste, exploitation factor (FE) and the damage of residual stand. Results show both felling productivities and skidding were improved. The felling capacity was improved into 60.535 m3/hour and skidding was improved into 31.931 m3/hour. The application of tree length logging can also reduce the felling cost into Rp 1,604.36/m3 and skidding cost into Rp 21,142.75/m3. The method also increase the exploitation factors (FE) into 0.93 and minimize the damage on residual stand by 20.70%.
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Last modified: 2018-05-08 10:08:38