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Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research (Vol.6, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 676-684

Keywords : Low Level Laser Therapy Photobiostimulation Laser Bacterial Reduction.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


These lasers are cost effective, easy to use and the power required is in milli watts ranging from, 1-500 mw. ?Low level laser therapy? (LLLT) includes all the procedures performed with such lasers is also referred to as ?Therapeutic lasers?. All commercially available LLLT system are usually composed of Gallium, Aluminum, Arsenide (Ga, Al, As) which emit in the near infrared spectrum (700 ? 940 nm). Therapeutic lasers or LLLT work in the visible and the infrared spectrum ranging from 600 ? 900 nm wavelengths. The energy used is indicated in joules. Appropriate LLLT energy range from 1 ? 10 joules per point. The scope for using low-level laser light (LLLT) varies and has many applications which may be either direct or indirect for tissue-related procedures, in the dental field. The applications of low-level laser light operate either under the specific wavelength/chromophore relationship, or the inherent accuracy of a collimated beam

Last modified: 2018-05-12 17:09:52