Battery Charging Algorithm in a Solar Powered Robotic Vehicle based on Embedded System
Journal: GRD Journal for Engineering (Vol.3, No. 04)Publication Date: 2018-03-25
Authors : Shifana O. K; Dilshamol Abbas;
Page : 156-163
Keywords : Robot; Photovoltaic (PV) System; PIC Controller;
This paper is about a robotic vehicle. The main objective of this robotic vehicle is to design an efficient charging system of batteries by means of tracked solar panels. The charging and discharging cycles of the batteries based on the PIC microcontroller is the design concept elaborated in this paper. On the PIC micro-controller the concept of efficient charging system is designed. The energy system consists of two batteries and these of two batteries are, one for charging independently from the solar panel and the other battery gives the energy for the Robotic vehicle. By implementing this method the efficient power management becomes possible. The switching time between the batteries can also be reduced by the control algorithm programmed in the PIC micro-controller.
Citation: Shifana O. K , Adi Shankara Institue Of Engineering And Technology, Kalady; Dilshamol Abbas ,Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology. "Battery Charging Algorithm in a Solar Powered Robotic Vehicle based on Embedded System." Global Research and Development Journal For Engineering : 156 - 163.
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Last modified: 2018-06-06 01:25:41