Design of Atmel based smart shoe for blinds navigation
Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (Vol.4, No. 3)Publication Date: 2018-06-01
Authors : E.Senthil Velmurugan;
Page : 602-610
Keywords : ---;
In this Era the major problem for the humanity is the Physical problems like Deafness, Blindness and etc. This project is used to overcome the People's problem due to the blindness. It is achieved by creating a ultra-sonic waves same as bats for that HC SR04 Sensors are used to emit the ultra-sonic waves. But it can't hear by the normal human ears, so the vibration motor is used to sense and that signal received by the ultrasonic sensor and vibrate(in the users leg where it is fixed). Thus the user can sense there is an obstacle in front of him. The Microcontroller controls the whole operation. It sense the timing covered by the ultra-sonic waves and it triggers the vibration motor. All these components fixed in the shoe. Three HC SR04 sensors and three vibration motors are used in this process. The first ultra sonic sensor fixed in front of the shoe and second and third sensor fixed in the sides of the shoe. And the vibration motor fixed in the leg respective to the sensors
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Last modified: 2018-07-09 14:48:01