Motorcycle Rider Fatigue Analyse: Results of an Online Survey
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.8, No. 2)Publication Date: 2018-04-30
Authors : V. Deepan M. Subramanian; C. Dineshkumar;
Page : 509-516
Keywords : Wrist Pain; Questionnaire; Motorcycle Usage & Online Survey;
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The motorcycle is one of the easiest transports in India when riding in peak hours, consisted traffic situations and poor roads. Besides easiness motorcycle causes fatigue and pain on the human musculoskeletal system. The study has been taken out through an online questionnaire- based survey to all over India for a period of about one year. This study focuses on four operating modes during riding (throttling, clutching braking and gear shifting). The body parts which are used to involve in operation are wrist, elbow, ankle, and foot. The fatigue due to riding can be divided into two activities with the subjected to the body; one is the body posture while absorbing road shocks for long periods and second is applying the required forces to control the motorcycle. The urvey covered five hundred respondents, four hundred and twenty with male and eighty female. The analysis of survey data indicates that all riders are affected by pain on the different part of their body. The result shows a majority of the male and female riders affected by wrist and elbow pain than the ankle and foot. The survey points out the need for ergonomics and dynamic analysis on two- wheelers to provide good ride comfort.
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Last modified: 2018-07-23 20:13:14