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Understanding the Character of Open Spaces of an Urban Village on the Urban-Rural fringe of a City, to derive Design Strategies for its Longevity: Nanded Village, Pune

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER) (Vol.7, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 66-70

Keywords : hinterlands; urban premise; fringe; engulf; strategies; upliftment;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Urban villages are hinterlands trapped in an urban premise; which are engulfed in the surrounding development. Their association with the natural parameters, which initiated their settlement, are lost. Nanded village on the fringes of Pune city is one such settlement, which in spite of having historical significance, productive soil with association of water bodies like river and stream, is facing similar issues of surviving in the peripheral development. The paper aims to analyse the condition of existing open spaces left in the village for deriving workable strategies, to determine its permissible usage and establish a role in the village upliftment.

Last modified: 2018-07-27 23:24:29