Aggressive Angiomyxoma of the Cervix: A Unique Entity
Journal: Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports (Vol.1, No. 1)Publication Date: 2014-08-28
Authors : Sujata Siwatch Reetu Kundu Navneet Takkar;
Page : 010-012
Keywords : Aggressive angiomyxoma; Cervical polyp; Gynecological cancer;
- Aggressive Angiomyxoma of the Cervix: A Unique Entity
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Introduction: Aggressive angiomyxoma is a mesenchymal tumour which presents rarely; usually in women in reproductive age group, as a mass in the pelvic tissue. Only exceptionally, has it been seen to originate from the uterus and cervix.
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Last modified: 2018-09-10 15:12:04