The Impact of Pelvic Floor Exercises on the Quality of Life of Women with Urinary Incontinence – Analysis of Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period
Journal: Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation (Vol.4, No. 2)Publication Date: 2017-04-13
Authors : Zarawski Marcin Kołomańska Daria Maj Maria Panicz Daria Opławski Marcin; Mazur-Bialy Agnieszka Irena;
Page : 035-041
Keywords : ;
Background: Urinary incontinence is a common symptom observed in modern times, which may affect 7–37% of women aged 20–39 and 9–39% after the age of 60. Pregnancy and natural delivery are important risk factors increasing the likelihood of incontinence.
The context and purpose of the study: In the current study we evaluated the impact of pelvic floor muscle training on the occurrence and intensity of urine leakage in women in three different periods: during pregnancy, until 6 weeks postpartum and up to 12 months after childbirth. In addition, we examined the contribution of pelvic floor exercise to changes in the quality of life of women with urinary incontinence.
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Last modified: 2018-09-11 22:17:49