Comparative Evaluation of Immune Protective Effect of Melatonin and Boerhaavia diffusa in Lymphoid Tissues of Park’s Strain Mice against Antibiotic Induced Oxidative Stress
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 6)Publication Date: 2014-06-15
Authors : Somenath Ghosh; Shweta Sharma; Abhinav Joshi; Chandana Haldar;
Page : 1111-1120
Keywords : Antibiotic; Antioxidant; Boerhaavia; Melatonin; Mice.;
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Boerhaavia diffusa, a native plant of India, is an antioxidant. Aims were to compare, physiological efficacy of root and stem extracts of B. diffusa either alone or in combination with melatonin on improvement of immune and antioxidant status of mice under normal or antibiotic induced stress. Park’s strain mice were grouped into control (Con), melatonin (Mel), ethanolic root (BRE) and stem (BSE) extract treated alone and in combination with melatonin (BRE+Mel and BSE+Mel). Further, mice were grouped into control (Con), ampicillin treated (AMP), and BRE, BSE and Mel pre-treated groups receiving AMP (AMP+BSE, AMP+BRE, AMP+Mel). Blood and spleens of all the groups were collected and processed for Total Leukocyte Count (TLC), % Stimulation Ratio (%SR) of splenocytes, estimations of Total Anti-oxidant Status (TAS), TBARS, Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) and apoptosis analysis (Et-Br Assay). Significant increase in TLC, % SR of splenocytes, TAS level, SOD and significant decrease in apoptotic index of splenocytes and TBARS level in BSE+Mel, BRE+Mel, AMP+Mel than Con, Mel, BRE, BSE, AMP, AMP+BSE and AMP+BRE treatments were noted. Conclusively, melatonin in combination with root and stem extracts of B. diffusa improved immune and antioxidant status. Melatonin pre-treatment alone ameliorates ampicillin induced immune compromised condition and oxidative stress.
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Last modified: 2014-06-25 20:40:06