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Communicative competence of health professionals in the English language

Journal: Revista Información Científica (Vol.97, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 518-527

Keywords : health professionals; communicative competence; English language; system of actions;

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Introduction: health professionals require communicative competence in the English language for their professional improvement, for their communication with professionals and patients from other nations, in addition to the internationalization of health practices. In harmony with the above, the State has given the indication to raise the quality of the teaching-learning of the English Language to all levels and educational systems in the country. Objective: to design a system of actions in the overcoming that favors the development of communicative competence with essential character in the professional and sociohumanistic development of the health professionals. Method: a qualitative-prospective study was carried out with a universe conformed by 130 professionals of the health in the 2016-2017 study period of the Diploma in Medical Education and Sociohumanist Development. The study of the variable development of communicative competence in the English language was based on the methodology of Ronquillo Hernández E and others. The dimensions, the process for its development and the results of the actions for this competition were explored. Results: the communicative quality of the professionals increased, positions in conditions to provide better care needed by them. It was evaluated as satisfactory, both the design of the actions, dynamics and the indicators of effectiveness of the process of improvement. Conclusions: it was satisfactory given that the applied system of actions becomes a cultural technology of change in the professional dynamics in health, favoring communicative actions with people, families and communities.

Last modified: 2018-10-03 22:25:25