A Conceptual Study of HRM Practices and Market Orientation on Lecturer’s Retention: A Case Study of Malaysian Universities
Journal: Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL) (Vol.2, No. 3)Publication Date: 2018-10-01
Authors : Zuhaib Hassan Qureshi Hussam Al Halbusi Sheena Pitafi Shehnaz Tehseen;
Page : 44-52
Keywords : human resource practices; market orientation; turnover intention; core lecturers; private universities;
- A Conceptual Study of HRM Practices and Market Orientation on Lecturer’s Retention: A Case Study of Malaysian Universities
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Nowadays human resources are focused more to gain competitive advantage. Human resource practices are used for staffing and keeping employees, but they alone are not enough. Good human resource management practices do not work unless the universities get all possible information about their customers and competitors in their competitive market environment. Since the competition worldwide becomes so high, organizations, universities, institutes require strong teams and those teams in each place should be highly committed. This is a conceptual paper based on the past literature review and underpins theories to discuss the impact of the selected human resource factors and organizational factors on retention of core lecturers of Malaysian private universities. The main purpose of this paper is to suggest and develop a new framework that emphasizes the reducing turnover intentions by taking into consideration the components of market orientations, which include customer analysis and competitor analysis. This paper will help the policymakers, the human resource personnel to develop better human resource policy to retain the core employees.
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Last modified: 2018-10-04 17:42:20