Performance Comparison of Hard and Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms on ESTs of Human Genes
期刊名字: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 6)Publication Date: 2014-06-15
论文作者 : Abhilasha Chaudhuri; Asha Ambhaikar;
起始页码 : 1634-1638
关键字 : Hard clustering; K-means clustering; Hierarchical clustering; Fuzzy clustering; EST; Fuzzy C-means Clustering;
Abstract? In biological data analysis sequences discovered in laboratory experiments are not properly identified. Biologists attempt to group genes based on the temporal pattern of their expression levels. Clustering algorithms could provide a structure to the data. Hard clustering methods such as K-means or Hierarchical clustering assign each gene to a single cluster, whereas in fuzzy clustering methods a gene possesses varying degrees of membership with more than one cluster. Performances of both type of clustering algorithms are analyzed in this paper.
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更新日期: 2014-06-27 22:09:59