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Journal: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences ( IMPACT : IJRANSS ) (Vol.2, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 157-168

Keywords : Urban Wild; Public Policy; Urban Political Ecology; Land Ecology; Land Resources Management; Urban Management and Urban Ecology;

Source : Download Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Natural protection and ecosystem conservation in a city is current issues in globalization and industrialization. This article applies urban political ecology concepts and biological metabolic study for public policy analysis innovation in urban wild area changes context. First will be explained the land characteristics on a macro-scale regarding the seven characteristics of the colony of life system. Then, will be creating a land metabolism for a land ecology analysis. The metabolism has two sub-processes: land catabolism and land anabolism. From this concept, we can sketch a specific land metabolic pathway for urban wild changes study for each case. In a second step, is possible to compare the relationship between an urban area and an urban wild area from the land metabolic pathway. Such relationships have two types: land symbiosis and land antagonism. In the final step, is possible to create a public policy recommendation or a public policy feedback for an urban wild area conservation based on land relationships. That public policy will be a natural friendly public policy and a sustainable public policy for a city and an urban wild area.

Last modified: 2014-07-04 18:35:01