Protocol of nursing care to the elderly in health institutions
Journal: Revista Información Científica (Vol.97, No. 5)Publication Date: 2018-12-03
Authors : Gustavo Sánchez Fernández Yohan Naún Savón Tania Baró Bouly Catalina Serrano Durán;
Page : 999-1009
Keywords : care; nursing care; elderly;
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Introduction: the care of the elderly requires a transdisciplinary approach and professionals committed to their care and educated in teamwork, in particular, nursing staff. Objective: to expose a nursing care protocol to the elderly in health institutions. Method: a retrospective descriptive study was carried out. Several reports and documents were reviewed where they reflect the attention to the elderly from different perspectives of life, once the information was collected, the assessment was carried out by several professionals in charge of caring for it. We analyzed each of the actions to be taken into account for the care of the elderly. Results: it was possible to establish the protocol of action that will be present during the care of the elderly in the internal centers destined to this activity. Conclusions: these actions allow providing specialized and quality care in each of the processes that will be carried out during nursing care.
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Last modified: 2018-12-20 00:46:48