Journal: Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce Yorum Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi (Vol.12, No. 23)Publication Date: 2019-01-01
Authors : Mustafa Altunkaya;
Page : 129-149
Keywords : Interperetation; Commentary; suf movement; comment; civilization thought; Zühd ve Sûf Hareketi; Tefsir; Te’vil; Medeniyet Tasav-vuru;
Sûf Movement's Ishari Tafsir
The Sufi movement, whose basic reference is revelation, attaches great importance to the exegesis of the Qur'an and constructs an important israel tradition that forms the imaginative view of Islam in the history of tafsir. Ibn Khaldun, his life in the hour of life; Divides uf zâhirî-bâtınî ameller ağ into two, and bases the source of Islamic mysticism on the basis of bâtını provisions. In this study, the boundaries of the bo-undary area were drawn over time. Kuşeyrî, for example, rejects a bureaucracy that is disconnected from the Sharia and says: "Some say that they have reached the rank of fame, they will not be scolded for the haram they have committed. In fact, the di-lemma of zahir-bât in the exegesis is like two sides of a medallion and appears to be opposed to each other, but in reality it completes by complementing one another. In this respect, the tributes for the tafsir school do not reflect the truth. The interpreta-tion of Ishmez gel al-Tafsir in a subjective, intuitive area does not mean that these in-terpretations do not have a systematic. Nite-kim Islam's conception of the changing civilization; It is also known that these subjective approaches can influence socio-economic development. In this study, it will be seen that the tafsir method remains connected with the legal measures, namely hududullah. From this point of view, the tafsir does not violate the sherry measures and add a depth, horizon and meaning width to the sheriffs. It is possible to say that the Quran is commented on the com-mentaries of the Quran. In the interpretation of the Qur'an, it is possible to say that the discovery, inspiration and manipulation as God's favor, and that the interpreta-tions of this state will accelerate the civilization initiative. In conclusion, in this study, we will discuss the method of Ishâ tafsir and present this method with a depth and horizon.
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Last modified: 2019-01-31 05:50:19