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Palestine Conflict: An Another Perspective from the Realm of Confiscation of Land and Legitimization

Journal: The Journal of Social Sciences Research (Vol.4, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 367-375

Keywords : Palestine conflict; Jews and judaism; Land confiscation; Legitimization; Psychological repertoire; Kurt Lewin change model.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This paper seeks out the historical background of Palestine conflict over the years with its respective stages from the perspective of defining who are Israelis, Jewish and Judaism. How they came and made Israel from historical events and what lure them to occupy this land and developed it for themselves. This paper also sketches a number of geographical patterns pertaining to the ongoing process of confiscation of Palestinian-Arab land in Israel. It points out a geographical pattern and course of action of “enclaving” and “exclaving”, a form of spatial apartheid and exclusionary zoning which was espoused during the pre-state period of Jewish settlement and has continued down to the present day. By having findings on the conflict, paper suggest legitimization from the realm of psychological repertoires by following Kurt Lewin model of change for peaceful resolution of Palestine conflict on concluding notes.

Last modified: 2019-02-01 23:42:16