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Specialized Internet resources as interactive technology in the training of future teachers of physical training

Journal: Physical education of students (Vol.17, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 55-59

Keywords : interactivity; technology; internet; soccer; training; competence;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The results of the use of interactive learning technologies on the example of Internet sites in the working of the curriculum for the subject “The theory and methodology of football”. The experiment involved 75 students. It is shown that the use of Internet sites will allow to intensify cognition future teachers of physical culture. The increase in the content and performance of methodological knowledge (10.3%), for the memory of students (13.5%). It is shown a significant improvement in memory. The number of students with low levels of memory for images was reduced by 16%. The directions of formation of professional competence of students in teaching techniques and tactics of football, the organization of competitions in schools.

Last modified: 2014-07-28 15:25:18