Health Professionals’ perceptions and Experiences of Family Caregivers: A Pilot Qualitative Study Carried Out at the Diabetes Centre of the National Public Health Institute of Cote d’Ivoire
Journal: Nursing & Healthcare International Journal (Vol.2, No. 5)Publication Date: 2018-07-31
Authors : Kourouma KR Agbre Yace ML Doukoure D Tano Kamelan Y N'Dia Anon F Acka KF Aka J Aké O Aké M; Kouassi D;
Page : 1-8
Keywords : Family caregivers; Healthcare services; Diabetes; Côte d’Ivoire;
- Health Professionals’ perceptions and Experiences of Family Caregivers: A Pilot Qualitative Study Carried Out at the Diabetes Centre of the National Public Health Institute of Cote d’Ivoire
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Introduction: Despite a growing interest in proximology about the relationship between family caregivers of people with non communicable disease such as diabetes and health professionals, little is known about this issue in Côte d'Ivoire. While researchers are focused on diabetic patient, they frequently omit health professionals' experiences with family caregivers. This paper aims to report a study on the perception of health professionals of family caregivers of diabetic patient and identify the facilitating factors to improve their implication in the care process. Material and Method: This qualitative research using semi structured interviews was conducted between February and April 2018, among the health workers (n=17) of the Diabetes Centre of the Public Health Institute of Côte d'Ivoire. Data were analyzed using a content and thematic analysis of the transcripts. Results: The health professional expressed in general a good perception of caregivers despite conflicts. According to them, information and education on diabetes, improvement of the organizational practices, recruitment of a social worker, recognition of the caregivers' expertise and work, organization of discussion group and creation of an association of family caregivers of people with diabetes are facilitating factors to improve caregivers' implication. Conclusion: This study revealed that there is a need for greater awareness among health professionals concerning the expectations and needs of caregivers. Health professionals also need to be trained in family caregivers/patient/ health professional relationship in order to understand this relational issue and set up essential partnership that conditions the quality, continuity and effectiveness of home care.
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Last modified: 2019-06-15 18:52:55