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Journal: International Scientific Journal "Internauka" (Vol.3, No. 59)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 66-72

Keywords : bank lending; bank; credit; loan; lending; banking institutions;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This article is devoted to the issue of economic and legal regulation of bank lending in Ukraine. The study analyzes in detail the content, structure and legal nature of bank lending, the main problems and possibilities for their elimination. The basic laws and subordinate legal acts, which are the basis of regulation of bank lending, are determined. The generalized characteristic of separate elements of bank lending in Ukraine is presented in the interaction between themselves and the banking system of lending as a whole. The classification of different scholars in determining the legal nature of the loan is investigated. Bank loans are separated from other credit relations, namely, a civil-law loan agreement and commercial lending. The basic principles of bank lending are outlined. The notion of «credit» and «loan» is distinguished. The author presents the models of the credit system and the main types of bank lending. The foreign experience of bank lending, main schemes of repayment of a loan is analyzed. Specific features of interest-free lending are investigated. The comparative description of the annuity and classical scheme of repayment of a loan is given. The present role of bank lending, the order of implementation and some prospects for further improvement, which will be focused on the support and stability of the banking system, as well as the protection of clients' interests, are defined. As a result, a number of measures are proposed to improve bank lending. Particular role in overcoming the disadvantages is the adoption of changes to the current legislation of Ukraine, the use of foreign experience of countries with a developed market economy, the creation of a mechanism for lending taking into account the individual needs of the borrower, taking into account personal creditworthiness.

Last modified: 2019-06-19 17:44:15