Deterministic Modeling for Evaluating Consumers’ Attitude towards Telecommunication Service in Bangladesh
Journal: Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL) (Vol.3, No. 2)Publication Date: 2019-06-30
Authors : Meher Neger Zakir Hossain Bhuiyan Humayun Kabir Chowdhury Afzal Hossain;
Page : 72-82
Keywords : consumer attitude; Fishbein’s Multiattribute Attitude Model; salient belief;
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This study is conducted empirically for measuring consumers' attitude towards telecommunication service in Bangladesh. A conceptual model has been developed based on two constructs. Telecommunication service related intrinsic and intrinsic constructs where five individual attributes (network availability, service quality, service charge strategies, offered value, brand image) are included. A series of analysis technique (arithmetic means) are used to find out the weighted average of intrinsic & extrinsic attributes, which are considered by Bangladeshi consumers for using telecommunication service. Fishbein's Multiattribute Attitude Model has been used for measuring the overall attitude of consumers toward telecommunication service in Bangladesh, which could help for successful business operations, management, and long-term sustainability of attitude measurement in order to improve product or service quality as per consumer expectation level. A total of 840 respondents who have a direct role for receiving telecommunication service are selected on the basis of stratified random sampling to fill up the questionnaire where some of the information is gathered by using Likert and Semantic Differential scales. Data has been collected from the students of both (public and private) universities and professional of different categories (Universities Teachers, Different Businessmen, Banker, Corporate Officers, Housewives, and others Government, non-government employees) of Bangladesh through a set of a structured questionnaire. To measure the overall evaluation (ei) regarding the selected attributes for the specific firm rating scale ranging from extremely good to extremely bad (+3 to -3) was used and asked to encircle the point to express their opinion. The respondents were also asked through the Seven Point scale ranging from 7 indicates very strongly believe, and 1 indicates very strongly disbelieve to know how strongly they believe that the individual firm of Bangladesh contains the said attributes. Findings of Fishbein's Multiattribute Attitude Model point out that the consumers' overall attitude towards Grameen phone Ltd. as the telecommunication service providing firm is higher than other selected firms in Bangladesh. That means, Grameen Phone Ltd. is viewed top most favorable position and Banglalink is the next position; Robi is the last position; among the three alternatives on the basis of said attributes. Consumers' solid knowledge and experiences about the product or service and their long-term observation and interactions have played an important role in the service sector. The implications of these findings can be applied to the enhancement of the competitive position of different telecommunication service providing firms in a competitive market of Bangladesh. From a research perspective, the study suggests fruitful research directions for further research by others.
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Last modified: 2019-07-09 17:26:45