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Diversity of Malacofauna Present on Three Species of Cistaceae (Cistus Ladaniferus L., C. Salvifolius L. and C. Monspeliensis L.) in the Region of Tlemcen (Northwest Algeria)

Journal: BEST : International Journal of Humanities , Arts, Medicine and Sciences ( BEST : IJHAMS ) (Vol.7, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 9-18

Keywords : Malacofauna; Cistus Salvifolius; C.ladaniferus; C.monspeliensis; Diversity & Region of Tlemcen (Northwest Algeria).;

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The region of Tlemcen is located in the north-west of Algeria, whose climatic impact is reflected in the degradation of the forest in matorral, an open formation made up of xerophytic plants such as the Cistes... We propose to realize an approach of the diversity of malacofauna found on 3 species of Cistaceae namely Cistus salvifolius, C. ladaniferus, and C.monspeliensis. The malacological richness is estimated at 11 species on the Sage-leaved Rockrose, 10 species on the Ladaniferous Cistus and 13 species on the Cistus of Montpellier. These are divided into 4 families: Milacidae, Sphincherochilidae, Helicidae, and Subulinidae. The 1st, 2nd and 4th families have one species each. These are Milax gagates, Sphincterochila candidissima, and Rumina decollata, respectively. The most diverse family of Helicidae has 2 subfamilies: Helicinae and Helicellinae. The 1st subfamily has 8 species on the Montpellier rockrose and the sage-leaf rockrose and 6 species on the ladaniferous rockrose. The 2nd subfamily includes 4 species on Cistus monspeliensis and only 2 species on the other two Cistaceae. The seasonal distribution according to the specific richness of gastropods is shown. We are looking for the malacological species specific to each of the three plant species and the species that are common to them and on the distribution according to the different strata.

Last modified: 2019-07-30 15:17:29