Triple assessment for addressing trio-pathy in diabetic foot – Rapid screening tool for amputation prevention in govt. Hospital setting
Journal: Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Surgery (Vol.4, No. 3)Publication Date: 2018-09-15
Authors : Rajesh Prajapati Manisha Singh Devesh Verma;
Page : 302-305
Keywords : Amit Jain; Assessment; Triple; Diabetic foot; Trio-pathy; Screening; High risk foot.;
Introduction: The present study was done to perform foot examination using Amit Jain's Triple Assessment screening tool on in-patients in surgical wards. Materials and Methods: A descriptive retrospective study was done at Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior (M.P.) in department of surgery during a period from April 2018 to June 2018 on patients of diabetic foot admitted in all six units of surgical wards. Results: A total of 72 patients were included in this study as per search in case records. Majority of patients had diabetes of more than ten years duration and males were more commonly affected. All patients had diagnosis of diabetic foot with varied spectrum of associated lesions alone or in combination. Surgical debridement (66.66%) was the commonest procedure done in these patients. The affected foot of all patients was examined, with component assessment of feeling pedal pulses done in 86.11% cases and testing for sensation was done in 25% cases. In contralateral foot 58% patients were examined, in similar percentage pedal pulses were examined and foot sensations were not tested in any of them. Conclusion: Despite foot examination being of paramount importance it is often incomplete and inadequate in diabetic foot subjects as is also evident from observations of present study. Amit Jain's Triple assessment of diabetic feet is a rapid inexpensive screening tool for obtaining basic foot information in order to segregate at risk feet and offer preventive care against amputation.
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Last modified: 2019-08-29 20:25:11