A Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of 231 Thermostat Valve (Using CMM and Making Prototype Through RPT
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.9, No. 4)Publication Date: 2019-08-31
Authors : P. Jeyaraman; Aravind Raj. B. R;
Page : 229-240
Keywords : CFD; 3D Scan; CMM & CAD Data;
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Technical method for computer-aided reverse engineering, illustrated by a real working component of an aluminum-alloy thermostat valve from a MARUTHI ALTO vehicle. In this work involved reconstruction of component dimensions using 3D scanning or coordinate measuring machine (CMM) and casting process optimization using simulation software, and prototype to be fabricated and tooling using rapid prototyping systems. Dimensions are measured using CMM. Model was created with help of dimensions measured and by slight modified for the improvement in temperature control from Computer Aided Design (CAD) data. After this modified component model convert into STL file then prototype model was created by Rapid prototyping and Tooling (RPT) in 3D viper SLA system. Flow analysis is done with a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation which helps to find out the temperature distribution to control the engine temperature. The outlet temperature of the modified model 300k is less than that of the existing model 325k.
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Last modified: 2019-10-03 15:41:09