SOAP and RESTful web service anti-patterns: A scoping review
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE) (Vol.8, No. 5)Publication Date: 2019-10-15
Authors : Fuad Alshraiedeh; Norliza Katuk;
Page : 1831-1840
Keywords : Anti-pattern; Anti-pattern Detection; Web Service; Web Service Design; Interface Design;
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Web services provide a uniform framework to achieve a high level of interaction between distributed heterogeneous software systems and data resources shared over the Internet. Producing a well-designed web service is significant because it leads to a more understandable service and a higher level of interaction and leads to effective software maintainability. However, web service is suffering from a poor design problem named anti-patterns. Analysis of the literature returned a plethora of studies on anti-patterns that caused difficulties for developers to synthesize and summarized the possible types of anti-patterns and further comprehend each of them. Due to this limitation, this paper aims to provide organized literature on the types of anti-patterns found in web services. A scoping review was conducted by searching scholarly documents, analyzing, and classified them based on their anti-pattern types. The review provided in this paper could be used as a guide for developers to identify the antipatterns that could be found in web services.
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Last modified: 2019-11-11 13:53:08