Application of computer in Chemical Engineering
Journal: Computer Simulation in Application (Vol.1, No. 2)Publication Date: 2018-08-31
Authors : Chad Collins Sanjoy Pathak;
Page : 1-5
Keywords : Computer; chemistry; chemical industry; application;
In the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology, electronic computer applications have penetrated into every field of various disciplines. The further development of various disciplines is increasingly dependent on computers, and the chemical engineering discipline is no exception. . At present, computers have been deeply applied to various levels of chemical engineering disciplines such as chemical simulation, computational chemistry and chemical mapping, which have greatly promoted the development of chemical engineering. Chemists should seize the opportunity to study computer knowledge and master computer tools in the new era, and apply them to chemical design and chemical calculations to enable chemical engineering disciplines to develop faster and higher.
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Last modified: 2020-03-10 14:37:49