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Realistic Analysis of Development Media in the Arab Region (Media and Environmental Society

Journal: International Journal of Communication and Media Studies (IJCMS) (Vol.10, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 17-28

Keywords : Media; Environmental Media; Development Media; Sustainable Development; Environment; Environmental Society & Arab Society;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This study was based on tracking the reality of the media development in the Arab region by measuring the effects of the media on society, the environment and the issues that focus on addressing them. It has been found that the Arab media needs a lot of support in the field of environmental coverage, where the Arab environment has witnessed in recent years many negative environmental phenomena, such as desertification, air pollution, the spread of waste, random landfills and the use of various types of military ammunition and some of the types of internationally banned weapons, as happened in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Palestine as well as the low environmental awareness among the population, which requires the need to direct the focus of Arab media on environmental issues and create a public opinion capable of meeting and facing the challenges of environmental degradation in order to preserve an environment free of pollution and access sustainable development, which is based on a healthy environment. The study concluded that the Arab media needs to go a long way in the work of environmental media, in order to create development and environmental awareness among the Arab public and governments for the subject

Last modified: 2020-03-19 19:19:00