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Obtaining textile with structures and functionalities modeled and referenced classified in the nonmarkov neural networks


Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 191-195

Keywords : textile fabrics; modeled structures and functionalities; neural networks;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In the paper the new original idea is launched that in fact the behavior of the fabric must be examined from the point of view of preserving the quasi-constant fixed behavior in the form, the use properties and the content of the use / consumption, respectively in order to ensure a networks of interspaces in the fabric which allow flexibility of the properties and characteristics required by the use. Based on this, systematized sources of evidence are obtained to obtain products with referenced structured and referenced structures and functionalities in non-Markov neural networks. As such, the empty spaces in textile fabrics with structures and functionalities modeled and referenced in non-Markovian neural networks are in fact only generically called so because there is an absolute vacuum.

Last modified: 2020-04-09 07:56:58