Foreign trade concerns of Ukraine and its regions under the global crisis
Journal: Herald of the Economic Sciences of Ukraine (Vol.38, No. 1)Publication Date: 2020-06-01
Authors : Sokolovska O.;
Page : 97-102
Keywords : foreign economic activity; international trade; export; import; export capacity; region;
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The article deals with the analysis of the foreign trade status and dynamics in Ukraine and its regions. Some negative tendencies are revealed: disproportionate import and export growth rate which caused the negative balance of the international trade, unsatisfactory structure of export and import actions: primary commodities prevalence in the export, as well as machines, equipment and other high-tech goods in the import. At the regional level it is manifested in the excessive differentiation of foreign trade activities, primary exports predominance, disproportionate export and import dependence of regions which makes the regional economy hinge on the international market situation.
The threats which arise in the sphere of foreign economic activity under the global crisis are defined. They prove to be evident in the decrease of external demand and export proceeds, foreign market loss which will endanger the economy of export-dependent regions. The necessity, ways and conditions for the diversification and strengthening of the regional export capacity are highlighted which can be achieved through the development and implementation of regulatory institutional, financial and economic activities on the national and regional levels
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Last modified: 2020-08-03 20:48:03